Girlfriend’s not here yet, though she’s certainly making herself (and her strong legs) known in my uterus. We can’t wait to meet her and have spent a ton of time getting everything ready for her arrival.
The most fun part has not been—surprise!—all the “prepared childbirth” classes (helpful, but yikes), but rather decorating her cute little bedroom.
Here’s how it’s going so far, artwork-wise:
The base of this bad boy, which hangs above her changing table, is from the series of large abstract paintings I made in Chicago right before moving to Cleveland. Back then, I showed the works to my good girlfriend and her toddler-age daughter, who adored this purple and slime green color combo. So, I decided if she loved it, my girl might too. I brought it upstairs and painted the daisy in the middle just to give it something special.
Babies love high-contrast stuff. Newborns in particular are naturally drawn to high-contrast images because their eyesight is still developing.
FUN FACT! The darkening of a mother’s nipples during pregnancy and postpartum is related to this concept. Known as hyperpigmentation, this change is partly nature’s way of making it easier for newborns to locate the nipple for breastfeeding. (Seeee, we were paying attention in those childbirth classes.)
I made this series of six paintings with a bright colored background and single, colorful object foreground with this idea in mind. I want baby to feel excited about all there is to explore in the world. And now we can teach her about things like weather phenomena and Dennis Rodman at an early age! 🌈🏀🐙🎸🍉🌟
Doug’s parents brought us this crib they’d been saving since the 1980s. It still works and is still safe and is still retro adorable. Look at those fluffy lil poodles. When I found this photo of baby Doug standing in front of the very same crib circa 1989, I knew I had to frame it and place it in the room too.
We’re a house rich in handmade gifties! This three-piece peachy powerhouse of knitted, quilted, and crocheted blankets are some of my favorite items we’ve received via the outpouring of love and generosity from our friends and family. I know how much work goes into making these pieces, and I’m forever grateful. Can’t wait to wrap our little one up in all that extended love!