Coping strategies for your impending NaNoWriMo mental and emotional breakdown

Huzzah! NaNoWriMo is here! Are you ready? Doesn’t matter. Just sit down. Write. Write more. Sit down. You’re not done yet.

I’m writing this for you as much as for myself.

This is my first attempt at completing a book in a month. Except, I’ve chosen not to look at it like that. Instead, I’m approaching it as a 50,000 word first draft of something, anything. Even if I can only mine out one good nugget for a short story or, hell, my most perfect sentence yet, I’ll consider it a success.

Actually, scratch that. Success to me will be if I can get down 1,600 words every day this month. I’m working on consistency. To not be so precious about the act of writing.

Writing at that pace, being committed to a word count on a daily schedule, not “waiting for the muse,” is bound to cause some inner friction soon enough.

Here are some coping strategies for you (me) to reference when that friction hits. Just add them to your writer’s toolbox, which I’m sure you (I) spent a lot of time meticulously organizing instead of working on an outline. 🙂

Me. November 1.
Me. November 15.

Read from “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield

I love this book. It’s a super fast read, the chapters punchy and direct, which is great, because you have work to do. Reading from “The War of Art” is like getting a pep talk from your coach, ringside, after a round of battling it out on the page.

I especially appreciate Pressfield’s insights on how we trick ourselves into procrastination–and his tips on how to defeat that tendency.

Want the CliffsNotes? It’s cool, you’re on a deadline: Check out these quote excerpts from Goodreads.

“The most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting down every day and trying.”

Listen to an episode of the “10 Minute Writer’s Workshop” podcast

Take a 10 minute break. That’s all the time you’ll need to get an energy boost from published writers who have been in your shoes. This podcast from NPR features quick interviews with authors about their craft, hangups and tools for busting the block. Try this episode first, with current literarti It Girl, Celeste Ng.

Listen to Uncle George

“Art doesn’t have a finish line. It’s just a race. Against yourself.”

Remind yourself this is only the first draft… of the first draft

And those are always shit. Just ask Hemingway. Or any of the greats. Here are some quotes for you (me) to reference when the mid-month, mid-book, self-doubt storms start rolling in.

“You fail only if you stop writing.” Ray Bradbury

“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.” Terry Prachett

“The first draft of everything is shit.” Ernest Hemingway

“I’m writing a first draft and reminding myself that I’m simply shoveling sand into a box so that I can later build castles.” Shannon Hale

Five word-inspired Halloween costumes you can put together in a day

A Cat Call

Puns! This is a drunk Jackie Mantey original idea and my favorite Halloween costume (and party) to date! I got so sleepy putting together this makeshift photo booth for my dining room, I had to take a cat nap before the party. Eeeeeeehhhhh?

This is super easy. Throw on something that looks like a cat costume, which you can fake really well with drawn on whiskers and some pointy ears. Hold your phone and pretend to make calls a lot. Also, say inappropriate things to your hot friends.

Lady and Gentleman Bug

Eeee. You know what they say. A couple that puns together… breaks up for a year or so then stays together.

This is another original and my favorite couples costume we’ve done together. It’s pretty self-explanatory and you could pull it off a lot of different ways; however, Justin’s black man leggings, top hat, homemade wings and monocle really took it next level.

Edgar Allan Ho

Scandalous and amorous, old Edgar Allan wouldn’t mind you adding some fishnets and heels to his look. Hit up a craft store to get a decor skull or raven/ crow (no one knows the difference) to hold so you don’t just look goth.

A Shooting Star

A cut-out star + water guns = giiiiit it?

Arthur Dent from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

Be honest, playing a helpless human won’t be that hard. Put your robe over your pajamas, throw on some slippers and grab your fave coffee mug. Roll up a newspaper or Scientific American and place it in your robe pocket for extra credit. Maybe tape a sign to your back that says “Don’t Panic”? Fellow hitchhiker fans will eat it up.

Words on the Street: October 26, 2017

I love everything about this building… except those glaring “your” and “you’re” errors but I choose to ignore them.

Slut boy!

Foreign boy!

This poster looks so ominous because of its decay. Like some shifty Groupon lackey tried to remove it or scrape of its message in the cover of darkness.

It’s been three years since a Chicago policeman shot 17-year-old Laquan McDonald in the back 16 times. Black lives matter.

Get it?

These quotes about famous people’s perseverance are on the outside of a Family Dollar, which is a pretty perfect location to spread the message to never give up.

This is from a show at the Slate Arts and Performance space. Liu’s work is bright and immersive and reflects her narrative search for memory and emotional recovery following a terrible head wound. It’s interesting to see how visual artists find ways to express their story through color and form, not words.


And here’s the Slate bathroom. It’s glorious and this post series seems to be where I, ahem, dump all my good bathroom photos. You’re welcome.

In which sometimes the universe helps you say yes

The thing I’ve basked in most since moving to Chicago from Columbus is the anonymity I have here. No one knows me in Chicago. I’m just one person in a crowd of many. One ant in the army, a pretzel in the party mix.

I know that’s unusual to say; don’t you want to be where everybody knows your name?

Well, therein lies our answer. I liked that no one knew me in Chicago because it made getting sober a lot easier. There were no expectations for who I was and how I would act.

No one in Ohio made me drink, of course, but it was hard to say no to “just one” when I had created the habit and reputation of being a party girl. I didn’t want to let anyone down, and you convince yourself you will by not drinking. At least when you’re a drunk. Codependency comes so easily for us!

I recognize that none of that matters and I what I needed to break through was why I had convinced myself I was Good Time Gina and couldn’t break free from that self-perpetuating idea. Nonetheless, moving to a new city was a relatively easy way to stack up some months of sobriety and then use them as the foundation for strength to even claw my way to that realization.

In Chicago, I didn’t care if anyone liked me. My move there wasn’t about them. It was about rehabbing a love and rehabbing myself.

Nearly a year and a half later, both of those things have come to fruition. No regrets, clearly, but I do find myself thinking sometimes, “Oh wow, I don’t really know anyone here except the person I came here for and the friends I met at work.”

That happens naturally as you get older. You settle in. Find one or two people who are worth your time and mostly just stick to them.

But I ain’t dead yet. And now that I know how and trust myself to hang out without wanting to drink, I’m ready to do it!

Getting myself to do that has proven difficult though. I think I’m an introvert who’s excellent at playing an extrovert. Which means, I make a lot of plans and never follow through. Then there’s that pesky monthly wave of depression.

Oh, and also, not being drunk means drunk conversations now bore the shit out of me. I want to talk the good stuff. Not share party stories. I’m so bad at small talk now.

Me at your kegger.

So imagine our surprise and, really, glee, when last Saturday Justin and I went out for an all-you-can-eat sushi date (gross in theory, delicious in reality) and found that a pair of our friends already had the same idea.

While we put our name in for a table, we heard our names being called from another one. We’d been “planning” double dates with this pair for as long as I’ve been living in Chicago, but we had yet to make it happen.

“Come sit with us!” they waved.

I think our first instinct was to politely decline and say something about not wanting to interrupt their date–or ours. I’m glad we did nothing of the sort. For the first time since I’ve moved here, it was really nice to not feel anonymous.

There was wine and gin on the table, BYOB, but I didn’t want any of it. I didn’t even think about it being there until we were out the door and on our separate ways, enveloped by the Chicago night. Alcohol finally appears to me in the way I think healthy drinkers see it: As secondary to the party as the food. It’s awesome when it’s there, but it’s not necessary.

Is this what coming out of a self-imposed hibernation feels like? I’m finally warming up to the city’s flesh and bone inhabitants, de-thawing into a wonderfully vulnerable little puddle that wants people to come and play.

As we shared dinner, sushi and stories, we discovered both of our date nights had been stalled in various ways to put us here, in the same obscure restaurant, at the same strange time, in a city where more than 2.7 million people could be roaming about.

What are the chances?

Here’s to no longer asking questions like that.

And saying yes more often with follow-through, no matter how shaky I feel.

Thanks for the kick in the pants, universe. And also for the sushi.

In sickness and in health, from memories do we part

The headache came first. On a Saturday afternoon, as innocent as a Cure song.

By Sunday I’m woozy. “Monday’s blue. Tuesday’s gray and Wednesday too. Thursday, I don’t care about you. It’s Friday, I’m in love.”

OK, but back to Wednesday.

By this point I had shut down almost entirely.

I had a full-on head cold, or probably the flu because it was complete with fever, nausea and exaltations to the Goddess that I would never do anything bad again if only my nose would drain itself of this hot gold mucus and allow me to breathe like a real person again.

This was the first time my husband of exactly one and a half months saw me so sick for such an extended period of time.

Though we lived together before being betrothed, it had never been during a bout of ol’ influenza.

During those illnesses of yesteryear, we’d typically give each other a middle-school-slow-dance-distance hug, a warm bowl of soup, and a shout to “Call if you need anything” on the way quickly out the door to our own, not-gross apartment.

It didn’t bother me that he was seeing me so absolutely unappealing. We’d seen each other at our most vulnerable long ago.

In fact, the scariest part about getting married wasn’t the wedding night or committing to each other for life, it was trusting one another with our money. Sharing bank accounts is the modern girl’s virginity, after all.

“Will you still love meeee tomoooooorrow – because today I spent way too much at Macy’s-there was a really good sale tho and we should go back asap because coats are eighty percent off.”

That’s how that song would go if it were written in 2017.

But here we were: Me sick, him catching it, and us together … living our “In sickness and in health” vow IRL. I really thought we had nothing left to learn about each other.


For example, I learned that it’s possible for me to smell his stanky dried saliva on a shared pillow and not bitch about it once, and instead just roll over, mentally adding “wash sheets” to our to-do list.

I also learned that as I tend to skew into helpless whiny adult-baby territory when I don’t feel good, he turns into a no-nonsense Polish grandmother who loves me but is … whatever is Polish for “completely sick of my shit.”

The more I refused to help myself, the more he helped but also gave me lectures. While gently covering my burnt-out nose and chapped lips with Vaseline, for example, he gave a long-winded speech about not putting dirty tissues on the nightstand like I had been doing.

I stared back in awe that one person could have so much air in their lungs!

I also thought I had nothing else to learn about myself. But this infection was a monster and a scholar, ready to teach my sorry ass.

So, I work from home as a copywriter and I had an important client presentation to make via phone call on Thursday. At this point I was on the upswing but still ticking by at only about 70 percent.

Though I felt capable of faking coherency, I had been bequeathed a new sickness gift: A voice that was nearly gone.

When I dialed into my team line before we called the client, I managed to croak out a wimpy “Hello.”

My teammates on the other line burst into laughter. A loving laughter, at how pathetic I sounded and how they thought I should just go back to bed, but laughter no less.

I laughed too but told them I was going to go on mute and just jump in if there was a client question only I could answer.

Something inside my head—and not just the mucus buildup—made me feel like my scratchy, nearly nonexistent voice made me appear weak, not good enough, and that embarrassed me.

Hmm… Where did that come from?

Luckily, when you’re sick, you have a lot of time to think about things like this. Because while the Goddess giveth you DayQuil, she taketh your ability to sleep on command.

After the call ended and I had crawled back to my bed, I laid there and thought about this perceived weakness and my subconscious desire to not let anyone hear me that way.

Again, where did that come from?

I decided to start with my childhood. Because this is where all weird subconscious adult insecurities take root.

I remembered having sore and strep throat a lot.

Then there was the unfortunate bout of frequent yeast infections until we discovered I was allergic to the bubblegum scented, red-dye body wash we were using.

I remembered pretending to get sick from the fumes of 409 when it was time for chores and I didn’t want to work.

I remembered Grease. Yes, I associate sickness with Danny Zuko and, my favorite pink lady, Rizzo.

As we were not yet owners of cable, I spent my days home from school in the ‘90s watching Grease on repeat.

“Won’t go to bed ‘till I’m legally wed! I can’t! I’m Sandra Deeeee!”

Who knew going to bed meant having sex? Not I, said the child singing it.

I just thought she was willing to forgo sleep to find a suitor. Like a real idiot.

Following the lead of my boo, Rizzo, I never liked Sandy that much. Nothing in her character resonated with me. She was indeed too pure to be pink. She was too pretty. She was too sweet.

Too sweet… too sweet… Oh my god, bingo!

Like a T-Bird outta hell, the following memory landed on me:

It’s third grade and time for the Christmas musical. Grades 1-3 do a musical together, which means I’m considered an “older kid” and can try out for a lead role!

Fast forward.

I get it.

Fast forward.

I practice my butt off at school and at home, learning my lines, putting together my costume using my dad’s old robe and knock-off Birkenstocks, a raggedy brown towel draped over my head and tied on with baling twine from my dad’s farm.

Most of all though, I practice my one vocal solo.

My singing voice is pretty average now and it was pretty average in third grade. Here was my solo part. I still remember it:

“Sometimes I wish that I could be. Somebody else instead of me. A person who is quiet and sweeeeeet. To be like that would sure be neat.”

If I’d been assigned to sing this verse as a teen, my paranoid rage would have led me to believe someone was trying to tell me something. I’ve never been accused of being quiet. And being sweet is a nice goal but it’s not exactly something that comes naturally to me.

Sometimes you gotta tell a motherfucker that dirty tissues can go anywhere you damn well please when your head feels like it’s in a vice, OK?

Fast forward.

It’s the day of dress rehearsals and we’re performing our musical in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL, which means the all-powerful fourth, fifth and sixth graders will be watching from the bleachers.

I’m. So. Nervous. And on top of my nerves I have, you guessed it, a sore throat. And my voice is almost gone.

Here’s what I remember. Squirming my way through the whole show, bravely speaking into the mic even as my voice uncontrollably spat and sizzled.

My 9-year-old-self made every valiant effort to add inflection and drama and intrigue but I mostly sounded like a mouse on acid. I can remember so badly wanting to prove myself worthy of this part.

I thought I was doing OK. But then I had to sing.

And there, swimming in my dad’s weird brown throwaways, I sang. My nasally voice cracking the whole way:

“A person who is quiet and sweeEEeEEeEeet. To be like that would sure be nEEEeeEeat.”

As I recall this, I can see as clear and as bright as Christmas Eve’s come-to-Jesus star, the entire sixth-grade class whispering about and laughing at me.

Do you ever have memories of Those Moments where you wish you could DeLorean back in time and just give your little self a big hug and whisper:

“It’s totally cool, bitch. I got you. We’re gonna be SO fucking happy someday. Fuck them.”

Yeah. This is one of my Those Moments.

Fast forward.

My older sister takes a seat next to me on the bus home that day after school. She’s in fifth grade and doesn’t sit by me normally, so it’s nice to have her there by my side.

She tells me I did great, and I shouldn’t worry about those kids laughing at me. After all, didn’t I notice who was making fun of me the most?

I cringe. No. I was trying not to look.

“It was Hillary’s sister,” she says matter-of-factly. “You know, Hillary, the girl in your class that you beat out for the lead part. They just think they’re special because their mom is a professional singer and they think singing is all that matters and it isn’t.”

Then she changed the subject and rode by my side the rest of the way home.

Fast forward.

I wake up from my reverie and turn over to see my new family member, my person who has taken the place of my sister and now rides shotgun in my daily life. My Polish grandmother husband, now sick with whatever I gave him.

In that moment, it’s Friday. I’m in love. And I throw up a shout-out to the Goddess for giving me such good people throughout my whole life. I’d give them all my money, my flu, my voice. I’d give them anything, everything.

And, in that moment, I feel better already.

Tips for a successful DIY family holiday

When my family started doing its annual Great Pumpkin Day event, I only had one nephew and one niece. Now I’m up five. Total count: four nephews, two nieces.

I’m not being hyperbolic when I say being an aunt is the best thing in the world. I love these little ones as if they were my own. My idea to start Great Pumpkin Day was just an excuse to hang out with them. I was also at the point in life where I was learning one of my most value life lessons to date: No one knows what they’re doing and traditions can be started at any time, yes even by you.

What began as a family get-together has turned into an annual thing I think we all look forward to.

Great Pumpkin Day 2012

Here’s how it works. It’s so simple. We just pick a Saturday in October that we all can meet at mom and dad’s house. We dress up in costumes (optional), do fun fall stuff, eat pumpkin everything (not optional), and just hang out.

There’s no pressure to cook a huge meal, like Thanksgiving, or bring a list-full of presents, like Christmas. And it’s in fall, which, who are we kidding, is the best season of all. Again, no hyperbole.

We just had our Great Pumpkin Day 2017, and it was my favorite one yet. Here are some suggestions to get your own family holiday started.


Keep the guest list small.

Part of what puts so much pressure on traditional traditions is that you have a whole contact list full of family and friends you want to see during them. That’s not a bad thing, but having a special day that you only share with a few people (like for us, it’s immediate family and grandparents only) no one can get shifty that you’re spending just an hour or two at their event before bouncing to another one. It also makes your nearest and dearest less likely to skip out on the event each year. It’s easier to send your regrets when you know a ton of people will be at the party and your presence won’t be missed that much.

Do it during the day.

Here’s why: It keeps the party flexible. We start at noon and it ends whenever we’re tired. You’re not trying to “make fetch happen” in a tight three-hour window at night when the mood has shifted and everyone’s thinking about going home or what they’re going to do later.

Have fun activities.

This takes you from hangout to holiday. We’ve done face painting, pumpkin carving, coloring, crafting, kickballing, apple bobbing, trick or treating, costume fashion showing, and, new this year thanks to the addition of Justin to the family, a piñata.

Stay open to anything.

Ugh. Other holidays are a pain when there are expectations involved. So, like, don’t have any. A general theme is fine, and planning ahead is necessary, but anything goes. It’s your holiday. So about that piñata. I love Justin’s family, and during a recent birthday party for his mom they had a piñata filled with little plastic bottles of liquor and lottery tickets. Oh shit, what a fun idea! We stole their idea but used kid friendly Halloween candy instead. Who knows what we’ll do next year? Maybe a kid piñata and an adult piñata? (Yes!) Spontaneity is the fun of it.

Take SO many photos.

My greatest Great Pumpkin Day regret? I didn’t take a million photos every year! I wish I had a picture album for each edition so we could see how much the kids and our family has grown year to year.

After all, time flies when you’re having fun.


Six things I’m loving this month

Apples. Pumpkins and their spice get all the attention these days, but apples are like the under-appreciated older sibling. I’ve been throwing them onto my sandwiches and into yogurt with honey drizzled on top. Goin fast and lose with the Golden Delicious, y’all! Loved this cover photo’s rendition of brie, Granny Smith apple slices and a cranberry chutney from Blind Faith Cafe in Chicago.

“300 Arguments” and “There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyonce.” These books of sentence-long essays and poetry, respectively, were on the list of recommendations at the Chicago Lit Crawl’s “Best Books of 2017” panel I attended last month in Andersonville. Read ’em.

From “300 Arguments.”

From “There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyonce.”

Speaking of our girl. I was surprised to find myself crying during this SNL performance by Jay-Z  of his apology song to Beyonce, “4:44.” It feels shameful and raw. Devastating in its aloneness. Wow.

Look, I apologize, often womanize
Took for my child to be born, see through a woman’s eyes

Still Processing podcast. New York Times reporters Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham host these funny and insightful culture conversations.

The short story “Likes” by Sarah Shun-lien Bynum. I don’t even have children but find this story of a father trying to understand his 12-year-old daughter’s Instagram totally relatable. This is also one of the first fiction accounts about life after last year’s election that I’ve heard that really nails its emotional aftermath.

“Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions” by Russell Brand. Brand is back. Thank heavens. After seeing this interview with Bill Maher, I can’t wait to read his new book about addiction recovery. I think a lot of people fear that breaking their addictions will mean they no longer are themselves. This brilliant sober wacko proves that’s not the case at all.

Fun finds from the NYPL digital collection’s music section

I spend a lot of time digging through the New York Public Library’s digital collection public domain to find photos to embroider for Mildly Depressed. Whenever I’m on there I feel like Alice as she falls through the rabbit hole. So much to look at. Curiouser and curiouser. I found a collection of old musical posters and book covers and had to share. Click on an image and it will take you to the library page for more info, should you still have questions about wtf is going on. You will.

Well, OK, but like, it was just a jammed finger. So, you’ll probably be fine.

“Where can I buy a shirt with full sleeves?!”


A love story goes sour.

He may not need to worry, but I would if he was throwing that leer in my direction.


My favorite. Yes, no bananas. What’s a boy supposed to do?

Words on the Street: October 5, 2017

As seen outside the funeral home by my house.

By an Andersonville candy shop.

Hole-in-the-wall quality hat stores are American treasures.

I’m still way into these old Chicago street signs and the names of these businesses… “Fade by Tom.”

As seen at an Indiana rest stop at midnight. I thought maybe I was just tired, but I still don’t understand what this means.

Unicorns, though. Unicorns I understand. From Unicorn Cafe.

At a WVU football game. There is no lemonade here. Only Zuul.

Left handed wave.


Stealing this bar name for a short story.

History at a purple line stop. Good to know if you were writing about the CTA before 1997!

My new favorite store in Evanston, for all its bad words below.