Here’s a look at what’s been inspiring me this week. Not included: all the Springsteen image searching I did for “research.”
Author: Jackie Mantey
Inspo: A writer’s podcast, new books, and words on the street
“10 Minute Writer’s Workshop”
This podcast published by the New Hampshire Public Radio is my new commute boost. It’s exactly what it sounds like: 10 minutes of writer talk. Each episode features a brief interview with a writer — from an LL Bean catalog writer to a best selling novelist to a TV screenwriter to Patti Freaking Smith — where they ask questions like “What’s your writing routine?” and “Dear god, how do I get as prolific as you?”
My favorite so far has been the interview with short story writer Ottessa Moshfegh.
On getting off social media:
“I think privacy and self protection from the garbage all around us is really important to a writer, especially starting out, when you don’t have those natural filters.”
Check out all the episodes here.
New books
This book, “Books for Living” by Will Schwalbe, was a gift from my brother, a librarian in Ohio. The book is a compilation of essays about Schwalbe’s favorite books and what he has learned about life from each of them. It’s a wonderful reminder of why reading is so, well, also wonderful. It’s always interesting to hear why someone likes a book you also liked and see how they got something different out of it than you did. Shout out to my BFF for the sweet Frida birthday bookmark. Do my people know me or what?
This one’s a library rental so I can’t highlight, but how real is this:
“He pressed her nose against her hair and breathed in her school smell, a smell like the flavor of a postage stamp.“
Michael Chabon’s “Moonglow” is full of showstoppers like this. It’s why he’s a giant.
I wish to swim in all his sentences.
Words on the street
Sometimes the truth is louder as words. Here’s to basic, bold statements…
Inspo: Making Mainbocher, “LaRose” and words on the street
Mainbocher exhibit at the Chicago History Museum
Mainbocher was a Chicago boy who eventually became America’s first couturier. (Couturier is a word I had to Google before I went to this exhibit and it means he was America’s first “fashion designer who manufactures and sells clothes that have been tailored to a client’s specific requirements and measurements.” But not, like, clothes for the basic classes. Think more like Gloria Vanderbilt, of whom he was a fave.)
Mainbocher’s also famous for designing for the Girl Scouts and the uniforms for the WAVES, the volunteer women’s naval reserve of WWII. The WAVES were the first military women to be paid the same as their male counterparts, and part of the appeal of being a WAVE was getting a tailor made designer uniform, which sounds kind of dumb now but was a big deal post-Depression, pre-fast fashion.
Mainbocher didn’t want to be paid anything for these designs, considering it part of his duty as an American. However, all government contracts required payment of some kind. So Mainbocher charged the US Navy exactly $1.
The Chicago History Museum’s “Making Mainbocher” exhibit included a one-night showing of “Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of WWII,” a documentary with interviews starring these interesting women and incredible old footage from their training and work. I loved hearing about what drove them to volunteer for the WAVES–a need for adventure, a sense of independence, a longing to see more than their hometowns, a want for life beyond desk or house work. The strings that pulled them then seem like the same kind wrapped into women like me decades upon decades later. Beyond admiring them, I get these girls.
“LaRose” by Louise Erdrich
Currently reading: “LaRose,” the aching story of two families affected by one tragedy and an old native American tradition that might help them heal. Erdrich is a fantastic writer, obviously, and I’m so moved by the way she’s able to make transitions in this novel. I feel like I’m in a dream when I’m reading–or a nightmare, maybe, considering the story. There’s a lot of dialogue, but she never uses quotes, which adds to the steady but unusual flow of things.
While researching the bookstore she runs with her daughters, I found this, her blog. She writes about what she’s reading and manages to make even those small sentiments feel otherworldly:
After reading The Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Wohlleben, my daily walks are an entirely different experience. I see the details of a tree’s struggle, the tree’s heroic attempt to repair a slashed limb, to repel invaders, or how so often a root flare buried by a careless landscaper will eventually suffocate the strongest. I see how hard it is to live on a boulevard and not in a forest composed of myriad types of tree with a magical underground connection that can choose to harden against invaders or to sustain young trees with extra food. “The Hidden Life of Trees” is a marvel of understanding and science.
Words on the street
As seen at Goddess and Grocer in River North. Just cute. Happy Valentine’s and Galentine’s Day! Say more with cupcakes.
For those of you who don’t have a city subway, spots like this are located on train platforms. They are where you stand to stay warm (or at least warmer than you would be otherwise) courtesy the heat lamps overhead. That’s why the copy on this Salvation Army ad is so effective. Literally, this is where to stand if you need a place to stay warm, but it also lists the address of the closest Salvation Army, where a person who is homeless for the night can get even warmer. Subtle. Strong. Emotional but informative.
OK, this seems simple but I’ve never seen it before, maybe because I usually go to Facebook to see a location’s hours since I always know where to find it. The hours for the Museum of Science and Industry’s are listed on the hero banner of its home page. So smart. And if the museum has already closed for the day? Then it shows tomorrow’s hours. That’s so helpful, especially when Google or Facebook aren’t updated with holiday hours. This is a great example of copy information users need worked smartly into web design.
List-ish: Five writer’s tools to get you motivated this weekend
John Legend interviews Ta-Nehisi Coates about writing
Hemingway App
Paste your copy into this app and it will help you break up dense copy, slay passive voice and find alternative sentences that are easier to read. H-man, it seems, was onto something. Verbose prose is so 19th century.
Story Grid Podcast
Gah. I just can’t bring myself to pay for an MFA in creative writing. Not after finally getting my bachelor’s paid off after nine long years of monthly bills. Thus, I’ve had to find other educational tools about writing a good story. This podcast is definitely one of the best I’ve come across. In each episode, a publishing world vet and a fledgling author discuss the formula for a good novel—the story grid. It’s full of practical advice I’ve never heard before (like how knowing your genre can be more important than knowing the backstory of your characters).
Helping Writers Become Authors (dot com)
The site’s design is a little overwhelming, and nearly every gad dang link opens a new tab, but hang in there. has A LOT of great information and tools for new writers. I’m all for taking short cuts without cutting corners. Here’s an example of a helpful structure chart to use when you’re outlining.
The Starbucks App
Three things. 1) It gamifies your coffee addiction, letting you rack up rewards through the app. 2) It tells you what song’s playing in your store so you can save it on Spotify and listen later (or Google the lyrics because you’re an emotional sap… raises hand…). 3) This.
Inspo: “The Trespasser,” Chicago in the forties, and words on the street
This paragraph by Tana French
As seen in her new novel, “The Trespasser.” I have loved TF since “In the Woods” came out in ’07. Her work’s a great example of how commercial writing’s intrigue and literary fiction’s finesse can live in one hell of a thriller. I’m a quarter of the way through this new book. While I typically re-read her paragraphs a couple times because I’m struck by how she manages to say so much in four or five sentences, this one is worth pointing out. It’s one of the freshest descriptions I’ve ever seen a no-bullshit female character.
Found Chicago-in-the-summer footage
Summer, can you hear me?! This is must-watch research material for anyone writing a story about Chicago during this time period. Everyone else, take a hit and hit play. 😉
Words on the street (and the paid content bar)
This ad for the tattoo exhibit at the Field Museum made me look twice. Clever.
And then this. Too soon? #whocanturnthegraveoverwithhersmile
Inspo: Words on the street
As seen at a house show.
Just when I thought I’d seen every spirits sandwich board sign in the books, this one shows up.
Love this trend of showing recipes right on the product’s package. It’s hard to see from this pic but there’s an arrow and copy that points to the Triscuit topping. “Top with cottage cheese, peas and mint,” for example.
Brute is my new favorite word! Although, points deducted for “raw”…. eeee….
Interview: 10 questions for Author Rich Garon
Who better to translate the DC roller coaster into a great political fiction than someone who has spent decades enmeshed in the gridlock of the country’s capital?
Rich Garon is just the guy.
In the eighties and nineties, Garon worked as chief-of-staff of the US House Committee on International Relations. When he retired, he began writing books to capture the stress and struggle of policy work, but also the incredible good deeds that can come it.
Clearly his life’s earlier work affected his writing — from the character development of his stories to the fact that he’s donating all the proceeds of his debut novel, “Felling Big Trees,” to WhyHunger?, a non-profit organization that works to fight hunger and poverty across the globe.
“Felling Big Trees” is set in the 1990s and follows a disgraced and widowed congressman who seeks redemption in America’s heartland. Small-town anonymity intrigues him as he recovers from political disaster and tries to free himself — and his teenage daughter — from the grips of his politically powerful mother in law.
A story of romance, power and second chances, “Felling Big Trees” proves that compassion and tolerance are not only possible in a time of strident tone, but essential for survival.
Below, Garon answers 10 questions about his work and writing style. Purchase the book here, and continue following the “Felling Big Trees” blog tour tomorrow over at A Sky Filled With Sparkling Stars.
Did your work as a chief-of- staff for the US House Committee on International Relations influence your work on Felling Big Trees? How so?
Yes, it did. In that position, I had the opportunity to be involved in policy-making on some of the critical issues of the day, such as arms control, human rights, and development assistance issues. Working on Capitol Hill for more than 25 years also gave me first-hand knowledge about how things worked, and an insight into the personal lives of members of Congress, such as how they juggled family with the demands of the job.
What inspired you to write Felling Big Trees?
I believed some of the things I referred to above were worth sharing. I had just retired from my position on Capitol Hill and I thought I could bring an authenticity to things I wrote about in a novel. Themes in the book, such as helping those with few resources and stepping out from apathy when large problems demand action, were themes I wanted to share.
How did you marry compassion and tolerance with a story that also has intrigue and pace?
I believe the essence of a good policy-maker is compassion — a concern for those who need help. I tried to develop characters whose actions could show the importance of compassion against a backdrop of forces that challenged and threatened these individuals. Felling Big Trees is also a romance novel, showing how two individuals develop a relationship of love and hope. It also showcases the importance of father-daughter relationships.
Why use writing as a tool to support ending hunger?
I’ve learned it is important to use as many platforms as possible to make people better aware of some of the larger problems facing our society. From that awareness can come a political will to work with others to develop policies to help end these problems. I first worked with WhyHunger over 40 years ago when it first started bringing attention to the hunger issue. It is a great organization that has been tirelessly working to reduce hunger and poverty. Accordingly, I decided to donate proceeds from the sale of this book to WhyHunger.
What is the biggest misconception about homelessness or hunger in America?
I don’t believe the scope of either problem is well known. While we have made some advances in the past, there are far too many who suffer from homelessness and hunger.
When and where do you write? Have you found you work better on a schedule or did you write when you felt motivated?
I write at home and prefer to start in the early morning. In my case, I’ve found that I have to write every day, usually till mid-day. There are other times when a great idea occurs or when I’ve realized something I’ve written just doesn’t work. I’ll jot down some notes and work on it when I’m back at the computer.
While working on this book, did you ever experience writer’s block or become stalled in your writing? If so, when and how did you push through it?
Yes, more than once. There are so many things involved in a novel of close to 300 pages. Characters, scenes, plots, so many things must tie together. Sometimes you can make quick-fixes. However, you’re often faced with major rewrites that you just have to accept and develop.
Do you have any tips for writers on how they can channel their life experience into their storytelling?
I found it’s the little things that make for compelling stories. Some small things you can remember about a person or place that are described well can make for a good read.
Will you write another novel?
I have three completed manuscripts (one’s a children’s book) and I hope to have them published.
If you could invite three people, living or dead, to a dinner party. Who would you invite and why?
C.S. Lewis, Graham Greene, and Jesus. The first two are my favorite authors; their writing skill and intellect never cease to amaze me. Jesus has also had a profound impact on their lives and on mine as well.
List-ish: Three binge-worthy, brain-candy dramas on Netflix right now
The request for a Netflix recommendation comes fast and furious (eeeeh?) in the winter.
I watch a ton of TV. There’s so much great work out there, how could I not? So, of course, when the inevitable Netflix (et. al) recc comes, I always prop up TV shows. I love being able to binge a whole series at my own pace (usually in a weekend… gah!).
However, I’m always doling out the same critically acclaimed titles: The Peaky Blinders, Fargo, Transparent, Vikings, Sherlock, Atlanta… These are shows I obviously love and think are worth watching. I enjoy that shows like 2013’s Top of the Lake entertain me while also making me think about social problems, like rape culture in this example. But I don’t think they offer an entirely accurate picture of what I would recommend.
In fact, this winter I have been drawn more toward mysteries and drama-for-the-sake-of-drama than ever before (they run the gamut of prestige, from Scandal to The Fall and The Killing to a cheeky lil’ British mystery from the ‘90s called Midsommer Murders that’s like Murder She Wrote meets Shakespeare meets whatever your favorite soap opera is). This is escapism in full effect, my friends.
Sure, something like critic-fav The Crown is striking in its stoic, scenic shots. But sometimes you just want to gasp.
These potential suitors will get the job done.
Dr. Foster
Show stats: British, 2015
The gist: Professional doctor, loving mother and committed wife suspects her husband is cheating on her and everything unravels disastrously from there.
Why watch: Seedy undertones and a surprise, unforeseen twist every episode. Oh-so compelling! A contemporary trashy novel with fabulous acting.
Show stats: Five glorious seasons, 2007-2012
The gist: A high-street lawyer (Glenn “Glenn Close” Close) and her protégé (Rose Byrne) become personally and professionally entangled, embroiled and — possibly — ended as they deal with cases only a maniac would take.
Why watch: Absolutely ruthless power dynamics on steroids. Its plot is as snaky as Patty Hewes (Close’s character). Non-linear narratives abound, making it entertaining but not impossible to keep up. It’ll remind you why the red herring device is so deliciously useful. Also, Rose Byrne’s outfits will make you excited to get ready for work. YES, even in the winter.
Show stats: British, 2013-now, murder mystery cop drama
The gist: A little boy is murdered in a sleepy coastal town and, of course, everyone’s a suspect.
Why watch: Evocative murder mysteries are always fun and this series has twists and turns even the most seasoned show watcher wouldn’t expect. It travels well into a third season, so it’s got a deep bench of episodes. You can chew on this one for a while.
Notes-ish: Alternative statements for “I can’t even,” Winter 2017
Surely these aren’t fake Yeezys you ordered from China.
That kid is probably going to be an asshole someday.
J-walking is a crime that could only have been invented by a man with a monocle and a dead animal collection in his second greenhouse.
How did cake get here?
If this construction isn’t done by Tuesday, I’m going to start huffing whatever it is they’re spraying.
It’s really not that hard to remember what company you filed your taxes with last year, and every year before that, Mantey.
Chicago wind is more handsy than a vodka-drunk at 2 am.
Do I even have skin left on my face or tears in my ducts?
My scarf smells like my coffee breath. But I can’t take it off. This must be how the settlers felt.
Grocery shopping is redundant.
There’s no need to sell strawberries this time of year. Stop tearing me apart, Jewel.
Why is yogurt so expensive?
They better leave those god damn holiday lights up until sunset starts happening post-work hours. Otherwise, why am I even paying income taxes?
Income taxes.
The fakest thing about the news is thinking I will feel informed after watching it.
Has online status anxiety been added to the DSM yet?
I think pussy hats are ugly but I must tell no one.
Inspo: Bad bitch rock, reporting from the rental bottom line, and #relationshipgoals
Deap Vally
The voice, they lyrics, the sound, the look. I love it all and have their latest album on replay. I’ll let this LA rock duo speak/play/riot/peacefully-motha-effin-protest for themselves. Visit Chicago soon, OK?
And I am not ashamed of my mental state
And I am not ashamed of my body weight
And I am not ashamed of my rage
And I am not ashamed of my age
And I am not ashamed of my sex life
Although I wish it were better
I am not ashamed I am no one’s wife
Although the idea does sound kind of nice
“Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City” by Matthew Desmond
This book is at once heartbreaking and genius. Fittingly, the author Matthew Desmond received a MacArthur “Genius” grant in 2015, a year before this book was published. “Evicted” is an investigative journalism-style book that profiles landlords and tenants in several Milwaukee neighborhoods, from the black inner city on the north side to the white trailer parks on the south side. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in social justice or the housing market. It’s a very informative look at why evictions are on the rise and how devastating they are for the families and communities they affect–one court ordered eviction and the payments and consequences snowball out of control. I love Desmond’s objective reporting; the landlords, who are as callous and cold as they can be forgiving, get equal play here to defend themselves.
The reasons for evictions vary and poverty reaches its brutal fingers into all areas of a life that can lead to even darker places in the pit (addiction, disability, discrimination). The whole book relays brutal anecdotes of unfair housing and regulatory practices and organizations that portend to help but are often just a busy signal at the end of the line. That anyone can survive hanging on like this is incredible. I think it’s important we remember that although there are agencies that are supposed to help social problems like poverty, it’s more than often not enough–and the dominoes fall fast. We need to keep aware of what’s going on in these neighborhoods and why so we can make decisions that help across the board (ie. healthcare).
Read the whole book, but here are a few interesting insights on how women, and especially black women, are at a particular disadvantage in this cycle:
“Women tended not to negotiate their eviction like men did, and they were more likely to avoid landlords when they fell behind. These responses did not serve them well.”
“Belligerent as it was, Jerry’s [a tenant] confrontational response aligned with Tobin’s [a landlord] blunt and brusque way. Property management was a profession dominated by men and by a gruff, masculine way of doing business. That put men like Jerry at an advantage.”
“In Milwaukee’s poorest black neighborhoods, 1 female renter in 17 was evicted through the court system each year, twice as often as men from those neighborhoods and nine times as often as women from the city’s poorest white areas. Women from black neighborhoods made up 9% of Milwaukee’s population and 30% of its evicted tenants.”
Barack and Michelle Obama
Barack specifically called out his girl at the farewell address speech this week in Chicago. Through his thanks, he teared up, and knowing how soul matey this pair has seemed throughout his entire presidency, you know this was just another genuine example of feeling too. While their friendship, teamwork and equal relational status are all admirable qualities worth emulating in my own relationship, I have to take a feminist aside here and fist pump the prez. Growing up (Bill Clinton was president), it always seemed like men in power had wives as show horses or bargaining chips, never really as sidekicks. Plus, men didn’t cry. Not really anyway… But Obama’s tears on a center stage for his beloved reminded me how far we have come even in the last 20 years about what strong masculinity can represent. You can cry out with love for your wife and still be the leader of the free world—in fact, it probably makes you more trustworthy as a leader. More of this please. #mykindoffamilyvalues